Zoho has new updates and features to begin the year.
Item Categories
Classify items by categories and sub-categories to keep inventory organized. They can be assigned by item, item group and composity items.
Barcode Scanning in Package/Receive Creation
It was difficult to only ship a few items when you have multiple items on an order, you had to first remove the items you were not ready to ship, but no more!
There is now the option to add the items manually or by barcode scanning.
Quick Shipment
Quick shipment allows you to select the sales orders and create a manual shipment without having to create a package and then a shipment. You can also mark as delivered when creating a quick shipment.
Instant Invoicing
Creat an invoice directly from a sales order!
View Details when Selecting an Item
You can now view the rate and accounting stock from a dropdown before you select for a transaction.
Other enhancements released:
- Prevent Stock from Going Below Zero
- Item Image Limit Increased to 15
- More Fields in Item Advanced Search
- Android App Updates
For a full description of all of these new capabilities CLICK HERE!