Zoho has made some enhancements to Zoho Inventory.
Shopify Multi-store Integration
Integrate up to five Shopify stores with a single Zoho Inventory account.
Instant Invoicing
Instant Invoice allows you to create and invoice without going through steps like editing and reviewing details.
Edit Quantity Adjustments and Transfer Orders
Make changes to your quantity adjustments and transfer orders.
Othere features:
- Edit option for Quantity Adjustment
- Edit option for Transfer Order
Import & Export Item Categories
Import and export item categories along with your item details. Just add a separate folumn and put in the category name for each item.
Include Additional Fields in Templates
Show additional fields such as UPC, MPN, EAN, ISBN etc.
To enable them, go to Settings > Templates > Edit button > Item Table.
For a full descritption of these new capabilities CLICK HERE!